Piedmont, SC, USA
What is Uber?
Driving with Uber is an alternative to a part-time or full-time job and can get you earning cash on the road quickly. Driving with Uber allows you to earn quick cash while maintaining the flexibility your schedule requires (gig, part-time, full-time, seasonal, hourly, or temporary)
Why Drive With Uber?:
Receive your earnings fast: With Uber, you can cash out your earnings up to 5 times a day with Instant Pay.
You are your own boss: You decide how much or little you want to drive and earn.
Don’t have a car? Uber has rental partners available that allow you to rent a car by the hour, day, or week.
Signing up only takes a few minutes: We'll provide support along the way and get you on the road as soon as your registration is processed.
Requirements to Drive:
Meet the minimum age to drive in your city
Have at least one year of licensed driving experience in the US (3 years if you are under 25 years old)
Use an eligible 4-door vehicle
You consent to driver...