Fort Mitchell, KY, USA
Earn up to $34 an hour as a State Registered Nurse Aide (SRNA) in Covington, KY (and nearby areas), working for a W2 employer that lets you set your own schedule. As a nurse-founded company, we don't just talk about work-life balance, we've made it a part of our business model — and we're not turning back.
On our team you get to pick only your preferred shifts at any of our partner facilities, taking time off on any day, week, or even month of your choosing. All of that, plus we can offer you the employee benefits, training, and career opportunities that you deserve — and that you can't find with a contract gig.
What's it like to have a job that works around your life? It means you can help chaperone your child's next field trip to the Behringer-Crawford Museum, keep up that morning biking routine along the Ohio River near Covington Plaza, or schedule more nights out in the city with your friends to enjoy all that Cincinnati has to offer. With IntelyCare you'll get a job...