Hampton, NH, USA
Earn up to $48 an hour as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Hampton, NH (and the nearby areas), with a completely flexible schedule that you control. By flexible we mean that you get to pick your own shifts at any of our partner facilities with the freedom to take time off whenever you like (no approvals needed). It's finally a real work-life balance that you can set however you like.
As a nurse-founded company we were designed with your needs in mind. We're replacing inflexible schedules with an approach that lets you decide when, where, and how often you work. But we also know how important it is to have a support system in place. That's why we hire all of our nursing professionals as W2 employees with the benefits, training, and career opportunities you deserve.
When you can schedule work around your life, you can set aside a regular weekday to decompress along North Beach, catch all your child's season games at Tuck Field, or just spend a day catching up on errands....