Pepperell, MA, USA
Make up to $33 an hour as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in and around Ayer, MA, working for a company that gives you a flexible schedule that lets you pick the hours you want to work. You’ll also get the benefits and stability that come with a W2 position and your choice to work at any of our partner facilities — or to simply take time off whenever you want.
Why is IntelyCare so different from other employers? Because our founders were nurses just like you. They saw how many of their colleagues were burning out or leaving their nursing careers because inflexible schedules and mandatory overtime kept them from having a life outside of work. From that, we created an app to make it easy for you to set your own schedule, customize your pay, and even access free training and courses to keep your career on track.
What are some things you’ve wanted to do if you had more time? Schedule a day off and take the kids to Harvard Alpaca Ranch or Good Pickin’ Farm. Or maybe you'd...