Infojini Healthcare
Utica, NY, USA
ID: 53337940 Shift: Day 12x3 Description: HWL Inc.-AN-1046 Submission TAKE LOCALS - Local rates will apply (Less than 75 miles)Up to date resume that includes 2 years of experience in IMCU/PCU and documents travel experience.2 recent MS Charge/Manager RN ReferencesSkills Checklist matching specialtyDrivers licenses with address that matches demographicsCurrent AHA BLS, ACLS, NIHSSNURSYS Report Licenses verification with ACTIVE NY License & ALL RN licenses.RTO MUST be included at time of submissionEMR Exp Required: EPICJob : IMCUShift: 6:30a-7p (Block Scheduling is never promised or guaranteed)Floating Required: YesScrub Color: Navy BlueUnit Diagnosis - Neuro, Cardiac, Trauma, Resp: COPD, DKA, Sepsis, MI, CV stepdown, post op.Specialty Equipment-Temp pacer, Chest tubes, A lines, Bipap, Neptune VapoVents: Yes-chronic vents -unable to wean- RT to assistPatient Demographics: 18 years - AdultsNumber of Beds in the Unit: 64 beds / 15 designated Neuro beds Guaranteed Hours: 36 Weekly...